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Procedures for promotion and re-grading are intended to be fair, transparent and consistent with the University's Equal Opportunities Policies. Against this background, all members of staff will be treated fairly and provided with equality of opportunity and decisions on advancement, promotion and career management will be based solely on individual ability, effective performance and the needs of the University, irrespective of employment or contractual status and personal circumstances i.e. part time, fixed term, career breaks, etc. Criteria for advancement, promotion and career management will be reasonably adjusted in the case of staff having a disability. The University commits to monitoring ethnic origin, disability and age as well as gender in relation to the numbers and outcome of applications for promotion and re-grading. In addition, the University will review promotion, re-grading and career development trends and statistics to ensure the criteria against which decisions are taken remain objectively justifiable and lawful in accordance with equal opportunities and discrimination legislation. 3. Purpose and Scope 3.1 This document sets out the procedures to be followed to reach decisions relating to the grading of staff and reflects the University's commitment to reward members of staff fairly in relation to the roles to which they are appointed. This commitment is reflected in the University's recognition that roles do not always remain static and may change in relation to the range, complexity, level of duties, accountabilities and responsibilities. Such changes may require a review of the grade of the post. 3.2 These procedures apply to staff groups covered by the University Framework Agreement (with the exception of Academic and Research promotions) and aims to ensure that all members of staff are appropriately and fairly rewarded for the responsibilities and duties they carry out. Supplementary information is attached to give guidance on the application process and evidence required. 4. Principles 4.1 The University will operate a fair decision-making process to determine the appropriate grades of staff; there will be a right of appeal against any decisions taken. 4.2 The pay and grading structure is underpinned by the HERA job evaluation system, including reference to the agreed Role Profiles. Staff who can demonstrate, through a re-grading application, that they currently undertake duties and responsibilities equivalent to those of the higher graded post, will have their post re-graded to that higher grade. Applications will be non competitive and will be considered on merit. 4.3 Any re-grading request must be based on significant and permanent qualitative change(s) to the level of duties and responsibilities of an individual post or group of posts. It should be noted that an increase in the volume of work (i.e. a quantitative change) undertaken by the post holder would not necessarily result in an increase in the job size sufficient to warrant re-grading. 4.4 Focus will be on the duties and responsibilities and the requirements of the role, e.g. qualifications, skills, experience, etc. 4.5 An assumption will always be made that the full remit of the job is being carried out at a fully acceptable level of performance. Through the Performance Development Review Scheme all staff including part-time and fixed term staff, shall have the opportunity to initiate a discussion on career development and seek information on the standards necessary to achieve re-grading, the extent to which progress towards those standards has been achieved, and the positive help which will be provided. To assist in this process, standard role descriptors will be developed and made available to all staff. PROCEDURE FOR REGRADING 1. Timetable for applications for re-grading If a role has changed in line with 4.3 above, an application for re-grading can be submitted to the Human Resources Department. Staff will not have to wait until they reach the maximum salary point of that grade before being able to request such a review. Where the Head of College/School/Professional Service consider a role in their respective area has changed, they may submit an application at the point of change. Prior to an individual applying for re-grading there is an informal process for the employee and their line manager to agree any changes to the role. In the event that a member of staff is unsuccessful in their re-grading application and any subsequent appeal, a further application for re-grading will not be accepted until a twelve-month period has elapsed from date of original application. 2. Application procedure 2.1 A proposal for re-grading will normally be Manager led (Head of College/School/Professional Service) however an application for re-grading may also be made by "self-application". Members of staff should discuss their intention to apply for re-grading with their Pro Vice-Chancellor/Head of College/School/Professional Service (and line manager), prior to submitting an application. 2.2 An application for re-grading may be submitted whenever a significant and permanent change to the level of duties and responsibilities of an individual post is identified. 2.3 An application for re-grading must: (i) be submitted to the Human Resources Department and will normally provide confirmation by the Pro Vice-Chancellor/Head of College/School/Professional Service that the resultant changes will be of a permanent nature and are a management requirement of the role. (ii) be accompanied by a statement detailing the elements of the job description and/or role requirements which have changed since the job was last graded, e.g. dimensions, planning and organising, working relationships, skills, experience, qualifications, etc. and supported by examples. Human Resources will arrange for the post to be analysed under the HERA process, with reference to Role Profiles where appropriate. There will be 4 panels per year and fully completed applications which are received by HR will be put forward to the next scheduled panel if received within a 4-week period ahead of the panel, if not they will be considered by the next scheduled panel. Self-applications will be considered at two of the four panels. Members of staff may wish to seek clarification from their designated HR Officer on any aspect of the application process. 3. Verification Panels Verification Panels will normally consist of at least four members selected from the following role holders and will be assisted by a trained role analyst:- Members of the Executive Team Director of Professional Service Senior Manager Chief People Officer (or nominee) Secretarial support by HR Note: A member of the Panel shall withdraw if a member of staff under their direct management or supervision is being considered. 4. Notification of outcome The post holder will be notified in writing of the outcome of the re-grading application with a copy to the relevant Head or line manager. Where there is a change to the grade level of the post, any change of salary will normally be effective from the date of the panel consideration. 5. Data Protection All background papers and reports on re-grading applications will be kept centrally within Human Resources, following Data Protection guidelines. 6. Appeals Where an application is a self-application, individuals who are unsuccessful in their application for re-grading may appeal against the outcome and request a review. Details can be found in the Re-grading Appeals Policy & Procedures.  In collaboration with the Campus Unions, the University commits to reviewing the training and development policy with a view to considering appropriate support to assist with career development.     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